Unlocking the Power of Personal Collaboration

Fostering successful collaboration at a personal level – beyond the organizational scope – involves aligning individual styles, which can significantly impact outcomes. Style alignment refers to the harmonization of communication, work approach, and problem-solving methods among collaborators. Let’s explore the key principles of personal collaboration.


1. Understanding Cognitive Diversity:
Embrace the diversity of cognitive styles within the team. For example, a neurodiverse team might have members who excel in different areas, such as detail-oriented thinkers and big-picture visionaries.

2. Effective Communication:
Tailor communication methods to accommodate different styles. For instance, some team members may prefer written communication to digest information at their own pace, while others may thrive in face-to-face discussions.

3. Flexibility in Work Approach:
Encourage flexibility in how tasks are approached. Recognize that individuals may have unique ways of tackling problems or completing tasks, and allow space for these differences to flourish.

4. Promoting Psychological Safety:
Create an environment where team members feel safe to express their ideas and concerns without fear of judgment. This fosters open dialogue and collaboration, leading to better outcomes.

5. Celebrating Individual Strengths:
Acknowledge and celebrate the strengths of each team member. Positive reinforcement boosts morale and encourages individuals to contribute their best efforts.

Insights from neuroscience and positive psychology emphasize the importance of understanding individual differences and leveraging them to maximize team performance. Neuroscience highlights the brain’s diverse processing styles, while positive psychology emphasizes strengths-based approaches to collaboration.


When you’re working with someone new, first take some time to get on the same page about how you’ll work together. Having a style alignment conversation can help you and your colleague understand each other’s work preferences, values, and sensitivities. Here’s how to conduct this important conversation:

Reflect on your own work preferences and what you need to be productive, and identify any sensitivities your colleague should be aware of.

Initiate the dialogue:
Propose this conversation as an agenda item in advance of your next one-on-one meeting to give your colleague time to prepare.

Share and listen:
As you’re exchanging insights about your respective work styles, be honest and listen actively. Approach this conversation with a genuine curiosity and willingness to learn about the other person.

Make agreements:
Codify norms on communication, decision-making, and information-sharing. These agreements will help ensure clarity and accountability moving forward.
(Source: Anke Thiele; hbr)

Quotes to inspire:
1. Collaboration is the art of recognizing and appreciating the unique talents of others, working together towards a common goal.
– The Mindful Leader
2. In diversity there is beauty and strength.
– Maya Angelou
3. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
– Helen Keller
4. The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.
– Phil Jackson
5. Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.
– Steve Jobs


The power of love

“Unbreakable sibling bonds forge a path to success.

” Through sheer determination and the support of each other, the Cruz siblings – Wilder, Luz and Elmer – were able to achieve their childhood dreams and stand as a great inspiration for others. 

In Peru, where they were born, less than half of young people in urban areas have access to higher education. In rural areas, that number drops even lower, to just 15%. 

But the Cruz siblings refused to be statistics. Wilder, Luz, and Elmer arrived at SOS Children’s Village Chiclayo while still very young, but they were already inseparable and supported each other immensely.

Despite facing numerous challenges, the siblings helped each other to achieve their professional goals. 

Wilder, the eldest, recently achieved a degree in Law and Political Science from the National University of Pedro Ruiz Gallo. His interest in the political world arose at an early age, inspired by his father, who talked to them when they were younger about issues in their hometown. 

Wilder wanted to study something that would enable him to make a difference in his community. And now he’s accomplished his dream.

For Luz, the loss of her mother due to illness prompted her to seek a career in nursing. Thanks to a Health Scholarship project funded by SOS Children’s Villages Austria, Luz finished her degree and is now a health professional. Aged just 22, she’s achieved economic independence.

The youngest of the siblings, Elmer, is studying Accounting, Finance, and Tax Management. 

Together, the siblings are an inspiration to many young people facing obstacles and challenges in their journey to achieve their goals. Despite the odds being stacked against them, they’ve shown that with effort, dedication, and support from loved ones, anything is possible.

Wilder, Luz, and Elmer’s story is a testimony to the power of family, support, and the unwavering spirit of perseverance. Their message to all young people is to never give up on their dreams. “

SOS Children’s Villages UK
Ravenscroft House, 59-61 Regent Street, Cambridge, CB2 1AB

    01223 365589

#thepoweroflove #compassioninaction
#strengthsdevelopment #disciplinematters #perseverance

Shaping Our Destiny: The Power of Present Actions in Crafting a Fulfilling Future


‘If what we are now has been the result of our past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.’

Let’s break down the above quote by Swami Vivekananda, and examine it from various perspectives:


1. Understanding Cause and Effect:

Swami Vivekananda’s quote highlights the principle of cause and effect, suggesting that our present circumstances are the result of past actions. This concept aligns with the law of karma in Hindu philosophy and echoes similar ideas found in various religious and philosophical traditions.


Someone who consistently practices kindness and compassion towards others is likely to cultivate strong, positive relationships, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Looking for further inspiration?

“The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny.”

— James Allen


Empowerment Through Action:

 Vivekananda suggests that by understanding the relationship between our actions and their consequences, we can actively shape our future. This emphasizes the power of agency and the importance of intentional behavior.


A person who aspires to become a skilled musician must practice regularly, honing their skills and expanding their repertoire. Through consistent effort, they can manifest their desired future as a proficient musician.

Looking for further inspiration?

“The future depends on what you do today.”

— Mahatma Gandhi


Research-based Perspectives:


From a neuroscience standpoint, our brains exhibit neuroplasticity, meaning they can reorganize and form new neural connections in response to experiences and behaviors. This suggests that our actions not only influence our external circumstances but also shape our brain’s structure and function.


Engaging in activities such as mindfulness meditation can lead to changes in brain regions associated with attention, emotional regulation, and empathy, resulting in enhanced well-being and resilience.

Looking for further inspiration?

“Neurons that fire together wire together.”

— Donald Hebb


Positive Psychology Insights:

Positive psychology emphasizes the importance of cultivating strengths and virtues to enhance well-being and promote flourishing. By focusing on positive actions and mindset, individuals can foster resilience, happiness, and fulfillment.


Practicing gratitude regularly by keeping a gratitude journal can rewire the brain to focus more on positive aspects of life, leading to increased happiness and life satisfaction.

Looking for further inspiration?

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”

— Dalai Lama

The Takeaway:

Swami Vivekananda’s quote underscores the interconnectedness of our actions, circumstances, and future outcomes. By taking intentional and positive actions in the present moment, individuals can actively shape their destiny, cultivate personal growth, and manifest their desired future. This perspective is further supported by insights from neuroscience and positive psychology, highlighting the transformative power of our behavior and mindset.

The following quotes emphasize the importance of belief in oneself, taking proactive steps towards one’s goals, and the role of personal agency in shaping our destiny through present actions:

1. “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

— Franklin D. Roosevelt

2. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

3. “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” 

— Stephen Covey

4. “Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.”

— William Jennings Bryan

5. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

— Abraham Lincoln

Certainly! Here are some apt tags for the essay:

#Destiny #PresentActions #PersonalGrowth #Neuroplasticity #SelfEmpowerment #GoalSetting #Fulfillment

    Finance for non-financial managers – Part 1 : Unraveling Inflation – Causes, Impacts, and Economic Dynamics

    SECTION 1 

    Keynesian economics sees inflation as primarily caused by excess demand relative to supply. When demand outstrips supply, prices rise. However, inflation doesn’t follow a straight line due to various factors such as supply shocks, changes in expectations, and government policies.

    For example, let’s consider the oil crisis of the 1970s. Sudden disruptions in oil supply led to a sharp increase in oil prices, causing costs to rise across various sectors, leading to inflation. This wasn’t a result of excess demand but rather a supply shock.

    Similarly, changes in consumer and investor expectations can influence inflation. If people expect prices to rise in the future, they may demand higher wages, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy of inflation.

    Government policies, such as monetary and fiscal measures, can also affect inflation. For instance, if the central bank prints too much money or if government spending exceeds revenue, it can lead to inflationary pressures.

    Excessive government borrowing (EGB) can contribute to inflationary pressures. When the government borrows heavily to finance its spending, it increases the demand for loanable funds, potentially driving up interest rates. Higher interest rates can lead to increased costs for businesses and consumers, which may translate into higher prices for goods and services, contributing to inflation.

    Quantitative easing (QE), a monetary policy tool where central banks purchase government securities or other financial assets to inject money into the economy, can also affect inflation. While QE aims to stimulate economic activity and boost inflation when it’s too low, if not carefully managed, it can lead to excess liquidity in the financial system. This excess liquidity can potentially fuel asset bubbles or increase the money supply beyond what the economy can sustain, leading to inflationary pressures.

    Thus, both EGB and QE can influence inflation, depending on how they are implemented and their impact on the overall economy.

    In short, while Keynesian economics provides insights into the causes of inflation, inflation doesn’t follow a linear path due to a variety of external factors and policy interventions.

    SECTION 2:

    Some macro economists seem to claim that the deficit economy model of the USA is the right policy for growth and affluence for nations which are strong in export. 

    “The deficit economy model, which involves running government deficits to stimulate economic growth, can be effective for countries with strong export sectors under certain conditions. In the case of the USA, several factors contribute to the effectiveness of this model:”

    We will explore thus concept in Part 2:

    “Comparative Analysis: The Deficit Economy Model in the USA and UK – Factors Driving Success and Challenges Faced.”





    Embracing Mistakes – the path to Resilience and Growth

    “March on! Do not look back upon little mistakes and things. In this battlefield of ours, the dust of mistakes must be raised.”  – Swami Vivekananda.

    This profound and timeless wisdom from Swami Vivekananda encapsulates the idea of perseverance and resilience in the face of setbacks. Let’s explore each aspect of the quote.

    1. “March on! Do not look back upon little mistakes and things.”
       – This part emphasizes the importance of forward momentum and not dwelling on minor errors or distractions along the way. It’s about maintaining focus on the larger goals despite encountering obstacles.
       – From a neuroscience perspective, dwelling on mistakes can activate the brain’s threat response, leading to stress and decreased performance. Instead, focusing on progress and solutions can activate reward pathways, promoting motivation and resilience.

    “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

    2. “In this battlefield of ours, the dust of mistakes must be raised.”
       – Here, Vivekananda likens life to a battlefield, where mistakes are inevitable and necessary for growth. The metaphor suggests that challenges and failures are part of the journey, and they must be faced head-on.
       – Positive psychology emphasizes the concept of “post-traumatic growth,” where individuals can emerge stronger and wiser from adversity. Embracing mistakes as learning opportunities fosters resilience and personal development.

    “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela

    3. Neuroscience and Positive Psychology Perspective:
       – Studies in neuroscience highlight the brain’s plasticity, demonstrating its ability to rewire and adapt in response to experiences. This means that mistakes can actually lead to neural growth and learning if approached with a growth mindset.
       – Positive psychology interventions, such as gratitude exercises and strengths-based approaches, can help individuals reframe setbacks and maintain a positive outlook amidst challenges.

    “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford

    4. Spiritual Perspective:
       – From a spiritual standpoint, mistakes can be viewed as opportunities for spiritual growth and self-awareness. Many spiritual traditions emphasize the importance of humility, forgiveness, and self-reflection in overcoming obstacles and transcending ego-driven concerns.
       – Practices such as mindfulness and meditation can cultivate inner resilience and a deeper sense of peace, enabling individuals to navigate life’s challenges with greater equanimity.

    “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” – Confucius

    By integrating these perspectives, we can understand Vivekananda’s quote as a call to embrace the journey of life fully, recognizing that mistakes are not failures but stepping stones towards growth and self-discovery.

    #Resilience #GrowthMindset #Perseverance #Neuroplasticity #Spirituality #SelfReflection #PersonalDevelopment